“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 (ESV)
Though I try to stay up with current events, sometimes I’m a little behind the times. Recently, I became aware of a study done by a Marine biologist called Blue Mind. In this book, the author, Wallace J. Nichols, looks at all the positive aspects of being “in, near, on, or under water.” I’ve personally felt this way as there is just something calming and soothing about being near the water. Looking out over the ocean I’m often struck by the majesty and power of God who created our world. The ocean wind and the sound of the crashing waves seem to drown out the noise of life and quiet the seemingly endless distractions of modern life. The waves crash and crash moving in and out with the tide erasing the footprints of the past creating a new clean slate with each pass.
From time to time I find it necessary to retreat to coast to refocus my heart, mind, and soul. My hope is that you can find the time or place wherever it might be for you, to reconnect with God when the pressure of life seems to overwhelm or distract you from your true purpose in life.