“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (ESV)
I am so thankful that the one who designed the world created something call rest. He created the cycle of days and seasons as a natural pattern for work and rest. He created our bodies to follow this natural cycle as well. As I’m writing this on a Sunday afternoon I have just enjoyed a morning of worship with my family. I heard one person describe the weekly worship gathering as the closest taste of heaven that we get on earth. To go from an energizing morning of worship to a completely stress-free and relaxing Sunday afternoon is such a recharging experience.
Spiritually, when Jesus spoke these words recounted in the New Testament, the people he was speaking to were living in a religious system that was based completely upon their performance. They lived by a seemingly endless list of rules and demands that no one could hope to ever live up to. In the midst of this Jesus says to come to Him and He will give true rest. Rest from seeking to earn favor and acceptance based upon our performance. Freedom to receive God’s love and forgiveness.
Questions To Ponder:
How well are you resting in God’s unconditional love?
How often are you making space in your life for rest on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?
What is the biggest obstacle to finding rest in your life right now?